

donate today

Save Cedar Grove utilizes a Fiscal Sponsor to collect and process our donations.  Grooming Greatness, is a 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt organization. Learn more about our fiscal sponsor here

How will your donation be used?

  • Build partnerships and funding models to sustain Cedar Grove
  • Fund a part-time project manager
  • Continue research on the interred and unmarked burials
  • Engage University, Civic leadership and Community members in sustained educational site use
  • Incorporate Digital enhancements and community wi-fi access
  • Create a signature “place” for Westside residents to connect with each other and the long substantial history of Cedar Grove residents in the formation of the “Queen City”

This work is built upon the generosity of strategic partners, sponsorship, personal investment and donations. Please join the expanding impact of this innovative community building project and offer your support to SAVE CEDAR GROVE!